Holy City Handcraft

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Hello? Is this thing on?

Testing... 1, 2, 3... Where do I start?

Hi, I'm Miguel! I live in Charleston, South Carolina with my girlfriend, Brie and our dog, Marty (you'll be seeing a lot of him).

After a couple years of honing my craft (get it?) of cooking, mixing up classic cocktails, smoking barbecue and just recently, collecting/tasting a quite modest bourbon collection; I've finally done it.  After much convincing from friends, family and my lovely girlfriend, I've decided to pull the trigger and create my first WordPress blog.  Since I've primarily been posting the aforementioned creations to Instagram/Facebook/Twitter, I figured it would make sense to add a little bit more of a narrative as to how and why chose to make what I made and document all that in the process.  For that reason, please bear with me, I promise it will all be worth it.

Holy City Handcraft Logo

What you can expect from this blog:

  • Honest to goodness material, what you see and read is what you get. No superficial blog posts.
  • A little bit of everything, I cook/drink when I'm inspired, that inspiration can come from any and all places and cultures.
  • Sights, smells and tastes of what the Holy City has to offer.


I am not a chef; in fact, I've actually never even worked in the service industry (does my stint as a Publix bagboy count?).  As a home cook and amateur mixologist, I'm not the type to create a recipe for what I make, but I will do my best to document everything from now on.  That being said, if some of these recipes are terribly written or inaccurate, don't fret, they will get better.

Now... lets get this thing going.

marty with smoked chicken