Don Ramonaldi

Its officially the first day of SPRING and you’re going to want to try this refreshing recipe to celebrate.

I created an easy spring cocktail riff on the classic Garibaldi but utilizing Mezcal Don Ramón and fresh satsuma orange juice. Combined with the tartness of lemon, sweetness of honey and bitterness of Campari to compliment the smokey, but fruit-forward mezcal. Cheers y’all



  • 1 oz. Mezcal Don Ramón

  • ¾ oz. Campari

  • ¾ oz. Fresh Lemon Juice

  • ½ oz. Honey Syrup

  • 1½ oz. Satsuma Mandarin Orange Juice

  • 3 Dashes Orange Bitters

  • Fresh Orange Wedge (Garnish)


In a Collins glass, pour Campari over ice and set aside. Combine all other ingredients except garnish in a shaking tin with ice. Shake vigorously until the juice is frothy. Strain, pour cocktail into the Collins glass over the Campari. Add a straw and stir lightly to incorporate. Garnish with orange wedge and satsuma leaf (optional). Serve and enjoy!

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