Posts tagged umeshu
Konbanwa (こんばんは)

Consider this your rainy-day cocktail recipe ☔️🥃

A little backstory on this one, I received a unique ingredient from my friends at stgeorgespirits - an Umeshu liqueur. Traditionally Umeshu is created by steeping Japanese plums in shochu and sugar and it produces a fruity, sweet and slightly tart flavor that is just perfect for sipping or in a cocktail. Now, this bottle is discontinued so I’ve been savoring every last drop.

I wanted to make a recipe that would be as unique as the liqueur and had the idea to pair Saint George’s Baller Single Malt with a sweet soy syrup (this is more sweet with a touch of savory from soy), the cocktail is brightened up with a bit of calamansi just to round out the flavors, creating a drink that is a little sweet, fruity, savory with a hint of citrus tartness. I wish I could say this would be easy to recreate as I realize these ingredients are not something very common in one’s pantry, but if you get a chance, try this out one out.

Cheers y’all.

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